1. Name
The name of the Unincorporated Association shall be SALTBURN FOLK CLUB (hereinafter called “SFC”).
2. Objects
The Objects of SFC shall be:-
a. To provide an opportunity for and the performance of the acoustic music traditions of the British Isles and by so doing help preserve such traditions.
b. To provide and encourage the opportunity for the performance of music by musicians from a broad spectrum of musical genres.
c. To provide an opportunity for the performance of poetry and storytelling.
d. To advise, support, encourage and otherwise help (where possible) any new performers in an effort to project them forward onto the Folk Circuit.
e. To provide entertainment and space to perform the above, not only for SFC but in support of other Folk Clubs in the area, other Community Organisations in East Cleveland and through public concerts as requested and if agreed by the Management Committee.
3. Membership
a. Membership of SFC shall be open, irrespective of gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexuality, disability, religious or political belief, marital status or age, to any person who supports the objects stated at 2, and who registers as a member by paying the Annual Membership fee as determined by the management committee.
b. The management committee shall maintain a register of members, setting out the name and contact details of each member.
c. Membership fees will be payable from the 1st of October of each year.
4. Benefits of Membership
a. Registered members will be entitled to stand for election to the Management Committee.
b. Registered members will be entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting and any Special General meetings called by the Management Committee.
c. Registered members will enjoy a discounted entry fee to club nights.
d. Registered members will be entitled to receive additional benefits as determined by the Management Committee.
5. Withdrawal from membership
a. Any person who wishes to withdraw from membership should give written notice to the Membership Secretary (this can be by email).
b. Any member who remains in lieu of payment of the Annual Membership fee for a period of more than 3 months will have deemed to have withdrawn.
6. Expulsion from membership
a. The Management Committee will have the right to cancel the membership of any person whose behaviour it deems to be inappropriate or disruptive, or it considers likely to bring SFC into disrepute.
7. Management
a. The management of SFC shall be in the hands of the Management Committee elected by the majority of the members attending the Annual General Meeting.
b. The maximum number of members of the management committee shall be 10.
c. The management committee members shall elect from among themselves a chair, a treasurer and a secretary, and such other office bearers (if any) as they consider appropriate.
d. The management committee may at any time appoint any member to be a member of the management committee (subject to clause 5b).
8. General meetings (meetings of members)
a. The management committee shall convene an annual general meeting in each year; not more than 15 months shall elapse between one annual general meeting and the next.
b. The business of each annual general meeting shall include:-
i) a report by the chair on the activities of SFC
ii) consideration of the annual accounts of SFC
iii) the election/re-election of members of the management committee, as referred to in clause 7.
iv) the management committee may convene a special general meeting at any time.
9. Notice of general meetings
a. At least 14 clear days’ notice must be given of any annual general meeting or special general meeting; the notice must indicate the general nature of any business to be dealt with at the meeting and, in the case of a resolution to alter the constitution, must set out the terms of the proposed alteration.
b. The reference to “clear days” in clause 9a shall be taken to mean that, in calculating the period of notice, the day after the notice is posted, and also the day of the meeting, should be excluded.
c. Notice of every general meeting shall be given to all the members of SFC, including to all the members of the management committee.
10. Finance
a. SFC shall operate on a not for profit basis.
b. No member of the Management Committee will be entitled to a fee for carrying out their duties
c. Out of pocket expenses any member of the Management Committee occurs as a consequence of carrying out their duties will be reimbursed by the Treasurer on receipt of a valid claim.
d. SFC shall have a bank account, for which two (2) signatories should be nominated. One (1) signatory should be required to sign cheques
e. In addition to responsibility for the financial accounts the Treasurer will maintain a register of physical assets owned by SFC
f. An annual financial/assets report should be presented at the AGM, audited by 2 volunteers drawn from the membership excluding members of the management committee.
11. Dissolution
a. If the Officers and elected Management Committee of SFC decide by a majority that it is advisable to dissolve SFC it shall call a meeting of all voting members of SFC. Notice of this meeting will be at least 21 days. If, at the meeting, a motion to dissolve SFC is passed by a majority vote the Committee shall have the power to dispose of any assets (including equipment) held in the name of SFC.
b. Any assets remaining, after all outstanding debts have been paid, shall be transferred to other Folk or Music Clubs in the area with similar aims. At no time will any members of SFC be entitled to any share of the assets.
12. Alteration to the Constitution
a. Any proposal to alter the Constitution must be delivered, in writing, to the Secretary of SFC.
b. Any alteration will require the approval of a majority vote at the Annual or a Special General Meeting.
Constitution adopted at a Special Meeting held on 9 February 2015